
Bunny Birthday Cookies (Some Bunny is Turning Nine)

What do you do when you have inspiration for a bunny cookie, but you don't have the cutter and can't get it in time?... you improvise!

To make these bunny cookies I took a traditional bunny head cookie cutter for the top. However, I didn't have anything for the body, so I made my own cookie cutter by using some needle nose pliers to shape it how I wanted. Then, once I cutout the two shapes, I smooshed (that's the technical term) them together and make a full body bunny! Are there some imperfections, sure, but I was pretty happy with how they turned out! This was my first bunny and my first time smooshing. ;)

Bunny Cookie Cutout

Bunny Cookies Before Icing

Scalloped Cookies and Nines

Rabbit Cookie Pair

Bunny Rabbit Nine Cookie Order

Bunny Cookies 1

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